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 Skin SDK Textzone

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Skin SDK: The <textzone> element

The <textzone> element is used to display static or dynamic texts inside its boundaries.

<textzone deck="" resetcounter="" action"" group="horizontal" click="" align="">.

Inherited Attributes :
visibility="" os="" panel="" deck=""
See Global Element Attributes

Attributes : (All are optional)
  • resetcounter="" : if set to "true", the counter will be reset if this textzone is clicked
  • action="" A textzone can also have a VDJScript action, which will be executed if clicked.
  • group="horizontal" : Use this property if you need the textzone to display all the nested <text> elements, separated by a space character

  • <pos x="" y=""/> : Give the position of the textzone on the screen. Read further details in Skin Element Position
  • <size width="" height=""/> : Give the width and height of the textzone. Read further details in Skin Element Position
  • <background color="" /> or <background x="" y="" /> : Optional. Fill the textzone area with a solid color or graphics area from the skin image. (Still preferred adding a <visual> before the <textzone>, especially if the text is not static).
  • <text font="" weight="" fontsize="" color="" align="" valign="" dx="" dy="" overdx="" overdy="" width="" multiline="" format="" text="" action=""> : Specify the text to be displayed with these attributes :
  • font : select the font to be used (default: Arial). If you use the same font throughout the entire skin, you can save this attribute from typing all the times, by using <font>
  • weight : possible values: "normal" (default) or "bold"
  • fontsize : give the font size (default: 12)
  • color : give the font color (default is white). The color can be written in numerical format (#0000FF) or with the color name ("blue"). See Colors
  • align : Use this attribute to horizontally align the displayed text. Possible values: "left", "right", "center" (or "middle"). If not defined, text will be left-aligned.
  • valign : Use this attribute to vertically align the displayed text. Possible values: "top", "bottom", "center". If not defined, text will be vertically centered-aligned.
  • dx="" dy="" width="" : You can create margins/padding to your text by defining an X or Y offset (default is 0) along with the maximum width of the displayed text (if not defined, the width="" from the <pos> child will be used). E.g. dx="10" width="50" will create 10 pixels of left margin with a maximum text width of 50 pixels.
  • overdx="" overdy="" : Same as the dx and dy attributes above. Will be used for the text when mouse is over the <textxone> area.
  • scroll : if set to "yes", the text will scroll if it can't fit in the box. Default is "no"
  • multiline : Use multiline="yes" if you want the text to wrap in multiple lines instead of cut/shrink to a single line. Make sure the height is big enough .
  • text : Use this attribute to display a static text. e.g. text="PLAY".
  • format : Use this attribute to display dynamic texts using %shortcuts. (see the exact format below).
  • action : Use this attribute to display texts returned from VDJ scripts e.g. action="get_effect_name"
    Note: Use one of the 3 previous attributes (text, format or action) to display your text, as only one will be used and the other 2 will be ignored.

Multiple <text> children can be added inside the same <textzone>.
If no group='horizontal" property is defined in the <textzone>, the additional <text> children will cycle and their texts will be displayed every time the <textzone> is clicked.
If group="horizontal" is defined, all the <text> children will be displayed in the same horizontal line separated by a space.

The format is a string that describes how the text will be displayed. You can still use a VDJ Script action with backward single quotes `` for example format="`get sample_slot_name X`" which displays the name of the sample in slot X, or you can use one of the special textzone commands:
  • \\: print a single \ character
  • \n : print a line feed
  • \r : print a carriage return
  • \t : print a tab character
  • \x : print the ascii character xx
  • %% : print a single % character
  • %yy : goto to the yy line
  • %xx,yy : goto to the xx,yy position
  • %title : print the song's title
  • %author : print the song's author
  • %comment : print the song's comment if any
  • %fullhour : display the time in a hh:mm:ss format
  • %hour : display the time in a hh:mm format
  • %hour12 : display the time in a h:mm am/pm format
  • %counter : display a counter
  • %pitch : print the pitch value
  • %time : print the length of the song (can use modifiers - see below)
  • %spent : print the spent time of the song (can use modifiers)
  • %left : print the left time of the song (can use modifiers)
  • %cueX : print the time position of the Xth cue point (can use modifiers)
  • %tocueX : print the time to the Xth cue point (can use modifiers)
  • %fromcueX : print the time elapsed from the Xth cue point (can use modifiers)
  • %start : print the time position of the first beat (can use modifiers)
  • %end : print the time position of the last beat (can use modifiers)
  • %tostart : print the time to the first beat (can use modifiers)
  • %toend : print the time to the last beat (can use modifiers)
  • %fromstart : print the time elapsed from the first beat (can use modifiers)
  • %fromend : print the time elapsed from the last beat (can use modifiers)
  • %bpm : print the bpm of the song (can use modifiers)
  • %bpmex : print the bpm of the song (can use modifiers)
  • %bpmexx : print the bpm of the song (can use modifiers)
  • %level : print the song's level in dB (can use modifiers)
  • %key : print the song's key
  • %camelot : print the song's key (numeric)
  • %keyoffset
  • %cpu
  • %status
  • %maineffect
  • %effectslotX
  • %mainsample
  • %videofx
  • %videotransition
  • %linkedvideo
  • %loop
  • %name
  • %namecueX
  • %pitchrange
  • %djc_buttonX
  • %nextcue : print the time of the next cue point
  • %prevcue : print the time of the last cue point
  • %nextcuename : print the name of the next cue point
  • %prevcuename : print the name of the last cue point

Some of the % commands can be used with modifiers. Modifiers are capitalized letters you insert between the % and the command. You can use:
  • P : modify the value to reflect the pitch change
  • L : use the local value instead of the global value (only used by %level)
  • B : display the value as a number of beat instead of a time

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